Friday, 29 November 2013

Conor Drury 7200, Molly Rickards 7111 - Rough Cut - Letting Go

As you can see we have started piecing together the shots from our first few film shoots. We feel we are moving in the right direction with the project but we still have a lot of work to do, including filming the rest of the shots and many hours of editing. 

Monday, 25 November 2013

Molly Rickards (7111) - Shoot 3 analysis and development

After putting some of the shots together to create the video so far it is coming on very well however I am going to experiment with some different techniques to see if I can create an interesting effect to give the video something different.
I have signed out a camera and tripod today to create a time lapse of the bridge in Wrawby, I want the images to show the headlights of the cars speeding past, this is to suggest the time passing by as the artist is "letting go.

I also want to shoot some performance images with Daniel, we are hoping to use Vale Academy hall to shoot some performative shots. We will use a spotlight so the image is focused on him, I want the lighting to look warm to create a hopeful feeling in the song- this shoot will take place on Wednesday 27th.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Molly Rickards (7111) - Following the shoot

Following the filming at my house I had a lot of cleaning up to do! The stuffing from the toy and the beans out of it made quite a mess!!!! The boys didn't hang around after making a mess, after they'd had a cuppa and a bacon sandwich they were on their way. But after having a successful shoot i didn't mind spending an hour tidying up, ready for the next shoot on Sunday and were all looking forward to finishing off the rough cut and seeing what it looks like!

ConorDrury 7200 - Risk Assessment


Wednesday, 20 November 2013

ConorDrury 7200 - Day Two Shoot Review

"Today we managed to shoot many of the main shot videos. We began at 9 am where we had arranged to meet at Molly's house with all of our group and our main actor. We filmed many of the scenes including all of the house entrance scenes, the performance shots, the bracelet shots and some anger shots. we would like to thank Jemima Rickards for supplying food on the day and also to Mike Saxby and Sheila Ford for arranging transport."                                   

Monday, 18 November 2013

ConorDrury 7200 - The use of Timelapse in Music Video

Because we plan to use time lapse in our music video i decided to do some research into existing videos that use similar styles. The most successful video i found was this video for "Mozarts House by Clean Bandit"
The way they achieve these shots is by filming long sequences with the actors moving in slow motion, then speeding them up. We plan to use a similar style when editing our music video.

ConorDrury 7200 - Molly Rickards 7111 - Filming/Editing Progress

We began editing the clips that I filmed on wednesday 13th with our main male using final cut pro. Many of these clips will be used during our music video so we can judge that film shoot as a success. We learnt how to use different elements of Final Cut pro and were able to implement them here. I will upload some of the stills from the shoot and upload them to flickr to get a review of the images already taken. I may be able to use some of these images during my ancillary task later in the project.

We decided upon naming each of the different shots, this way when it came to adding them to the timeline we have a brief idea of where theyre supposed to go. I gave luke the job of naming them. We then used our training in Final Cut Pro to add some of the clips to the timeline. 

Group Task - Prop Gathering

So were nearly ready to get the house shoot done and out the way, all we need to do is gather the last of our props and were ready to go.

Props Needed:

Scrapbook - contain photos of the couple

Acoustic guitar - strapless

Female Clothes - indie style 

Fire + materials needed ( wood, Fuel, Lighter fluid, fire bin, Zippo Lighter )

Teddy bear - old so we can rip it apart

ConorDrury 7200 - Production Breakdown

"Because of our initial problems with filming we have rescheduled to film these series of clips on Wednesday and Friday."  

ConorDrury 7200 - Filming Schedule.

We have organised with our group and actors to continue filming on;

  • Wednesday 20th November 
On this day we intend to travel to Wrawby and film a series of shots on the motorway bridge. We will also begin filming some of the main shots inside Molly's house, including the bedroom shots and shots of him walking into the house.
  • Friday 22nd November.
On friday we will continue to film at Molly's house and film some of the filling shots that we can use as self reflection placeholders.
  • Sunday 24th November
On our last scheduled filming shoot we will film all the fire shots. This will include the burning shots and the long fire shots.

Their might be a possible issue with our main female actress which might result in re-casting but we will address that issue when we know for sure.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Storyboards - ConorDrury 7200 , Molly Rickards 7111

 Storyboarding was a good way for us to communicate our artistic visions with each other and also to our actors, this allowed both us and them to have get a basic vision of what our video might look like.
It also allowed us to talk about different ideas such as editing and filters.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Molly Rickards (7111) - Logo

I have created a logo for our production label, after looking at other company names we decided to use something fun and usual as our production name. I have looked at successful company names such as YouTube and MTV the logo I have created is clearly influenced by the colour scheme of these two companies.

I have also noticed that many company names use icons to help the name become recognised, such as Lime Pictures and Paramount .

I have been influenced by each of these to create our own logo for our music video production.

Luke ford (7201) - Issues With Filming

The filming that was done on Wednesday the 13th of Novemeber  was not up to the standards that we wanted, the images taken where taken on a slant aswell as most of the filming, we have taken these mistakes into consideration and have decided that we need to improve communication and organisation within the group, we can afford to make these mistakes now but we will need much better planning for the future to stop this reoccurring.
              The group has discussed where we went wrong and why this happened, a lack of communication was the main issue at hand. this caused mixed views on the shots that were taken. we hope to learn form these mistakes and to improve in the near future.

Monday, 11 November 2013

ConorDrury 7200 - Company Name.

To make our product sound more authentic and professional we decided to come up with a name for our company, after debating about different possibilities we decided to use a random word generator to come up with our name.

Using this website we came up with the name "Ill System" we decided to make our name sound more professional so we finalised with "Ill System Productions" 

ConorDrury 7200 - Call Sheet Template

ConorDrury 7200 - First Day Shoot Review.

First Day Shoot Review

Our first day shoot was extremely unsuccessful, because of transport issues we were unable to film, however we have rescheduled with our main actor to start filming on Wednesday 14th of November. On the day we are planning to film a selection of the shots involving just the lead actor.
  • Swing Time Lapse Shot.
To film this shot we will need to film an extremely long sequence. during this sequence we will have the artist sat on the swings. Then using final cut pro we will speed up the footage giving the footage an aesthetic quality and shortening the length of the clip.

  • Bridge Time Lapse Shot.
We will do the same affect but on the motorway, hopefully, judging by Molly's experiments during the location shots, we will be able to get an exciting effect from the lights of the cars passing.      
  • Various Walking Shot's.  
During a variety of our scenes we will need various walking shots, or shots of the actors legs and feet. whilst we are out wednesday i will take a selection of shots that we could use during editing or use as guidelines of what to film during.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Molly Rickards (7111) - Set for Shoot 1

For the first filming shoot I will transform these locations to make them look like a teenagers living area. 
I will use some clothes in the room and will set up a dressing table with a mirror on it, we will need to put some props in the room like a makeup bag, a teddy bear and a bracelet. 
For this location we will add some items which make the room look like a teens house with some props such as photographs, shoes and maybe some school books or folders. I am planning to use quite neutral colours in the set as apposed to bright colours (like the blue coat).

Friday, 8 November 2013

Molly Rickards (7111) - Props Mood Board

Here I have selected a variety of images to influence our props, we will have a look around charity shops for some items to use to fill the room and to help create the sets we would like. 

ConorDrury 7200 - Photo Idea

My idea about having a still photograph transform into a film shot is something, that if used correctly can be very successful to show memories or flashbacks. After writing my idea down a few weeks ago the video for "Story of my life" by One Direction was released. this essentially uses the same idea we were going to use.

ConorDrury 7200 - Day 1 Production Breakdown

Thursday, 7 November 2013

ConorDrury 7200 - Editing Ideas and Possible Filming Solution

Whilst viewing the music channels at home I came across the video for "Up in the Air" By 30 Seconds to Mars. Midway through this video the audio stops and is replaced by the sound of morse code, then a voice reading the name of the album in different languages. When I viewed this I came up with a possible idea we could use during our music video. Just before the fire is lt we could stop the music and slow the footage of him lighting the fire down. This will elavate the intensity of his actions whilst also making the whole scene more aesthetically pleasing to the viewer.

Ive asked around about anyone who might know where i could find an old swing set. ive been told theres one near where our main actor lives so thats a possitive start for to my search. Ill arrange transport and take some inital photographs of the scene.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

ConorDrury 7200 - Location Ideas.

Ive had some ideas to do with different ways of sticking to the codes and convention of our indie genre by making subtle changes to our location research. Firstly instead of using a new swing set for one of our main actors "Self relflection" scenes it would be better to use an old tatty one, this would link well with the old antique look that most indie music videos try to include but it will also work well with portraying the broken feelings of our main character .

Ill do some scouting for possible locations within the next week, Ill also organise an intial photoshoot with our models to create the photographs that will be used during our music video.

Molly Rickards (7111) - Performance/Narrative Music Video

Following our visit from blueprint film we have spoken more about our performance element of the video, as we don't want the performance to be too frequent in the video this has been a problem. After looking at videos by Taylor Swift, she has a lot more performance shots in her video as apposed to Ed Sheeran's A-Team. As the narrative in our video is quite complex we don't want the performance shots to confuse the viewer.
Blueprint did tell us that it is no longer a convention to have a strong performance element in many modern music videos, but following my TA research I didn't want to go against the results the survey showed and so we will still include some elements of performance in the video.

Monday, 4 November 2013

ConorDrury 7200 - Performance elements/shots

Because of our video being heavily narrative we decided to include elements of performance into our music video. For example we will use a variety of shots showing the main actor lip syncing to the track and playing guitar. Since the song is of the indie genre this would be a good way of sticking to the conventions of that genre. Having a mixture of both narrative and performance elements is also a strong way of creating a face for your artist, this has been done by similar styled artists to our artist, Jay Tyrer, such as Ed Sheeran, Tom Odell and Jake Bugg.

Because of our existing contact with our artist another option we could use is having a person paralleling the actual artist, rather than pretending to be the artist. This is something that has been specifically used by Ed Sheeran, primarily in his videos for "Lego House" and "Everything has Changed" in both of these songs we are shown a performer that has similar aesthetic qualities to Ed Sheeran but isn't him. 


We could use this technique by styling our main male similar to the actual artist to the song. This way our song could also be used by our actual artist rather than just as a school project.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Molly Rickards (7111) - Photoboard

Going through each verse I have photographed some possible shot types and some locations we may use in our music video.
"her eyes are like the bluest skies" for this shot we were planning on using an extreme close up on some blue eyes, the shot may need some enhancing to get the colour bright but I think using this link to the song will be quite an effective way to link the visuals to the lyrics.

For the locations of the music video I have thought about inside and outside shots, for the first shots the location will be an outdoor, brightly lit (possibly sunny) we may use a soft focus to give the happy warm impression. Then to an indoor shot using low key lighting in a cluttered room, this will show the link to before and after the break up. 

Using the idea of feeling alone and letting time pass by we may use a time laps in the video to show the emotion in the song, using fast moving vehicles or clouds to create the sense of time flying by, this will be something I need to improve on and practice doing before the shooting of the video.

I think using a few extreme close ups either to fade images together or just on their own to portray the raw emotion in the song will be a really interesting way of doing this.

Friday, 1 November 2013

ConorDrury 7200 - Main Shot Draft 1

Main Shot Draft 1 – Conor Drury

(First Verse)

Main Shot 1 – Complete silence, shows the couple shouting at each other, women throws bracelet at male, turns and storms out, slamming door. (Filmed in one shot) – Filmed inside a house.

Main Shot 2 - Male comes through the door she previously slammed, camera pans to him running upstairs.

Main Shot 3 – high angled shot of his legs going through another door, into a room.

Main Shot 4 – Reaction shot of him coming into the room, showing his face and shoulders. Male sighs.

Main Shot 5 – over the shoulder shot shows a room full of female clothes, photographs, bin bags and scrap books.

(Second Verse)

Main Shot 6 – A series of shot reverse shots showing different things around the room, “Photograph – Scrapbook (Our first year together) – Pair of shoes – stack of cd’s.”

Main Shot 7 - male holding camera towards himself, pretending the camera is something.

Main Shot 8 – over the shoulder shot showing an old teddy bear, presumed to be hers,

Main Shot 9 – male sat cross legged holding the teddy stands up, long shot for the edge of the room showing all her other belongings in the background.

Main Shot 9 – extreme close up of his eye changing from sad to angry.

Main Shot 10 – high angled shot showing him holding the bear, and then ripping it in half.

Main Shot 11 – long shot showing him throwing the bear.

Main Shot 12 – extreme close up of the bear on the ground in half.  

(Third Verse)

“Series of shots showing him choosing a song or album on his iPod that was shown earlier during the clearing out scene, time-lapse shot stood on the motorway bridge.”

Main Shot 13 – Man enters the front door again and throws his keys on the side

Main Shot 14 – reaction shot showing the male noticing something on the floor

Main Shot 15- over the shoulder shot showing a bracelet partially hidden under the sofa

Main Shot 16- Shot from the bracelets view as the man bends down picks it up.

Main Shot 17 – medium close up showing the man put on the bracelet and walk out of shot.

Main Shot 18 – High angled shot from the floor showing him run up the stairs.

(Fourth Verse)

Main Shot 19 – over the shoulder shot showing him holding a photograph of her eyes.

Main Shot 20 – shot of the photo filling the whole screen which transitions to film of the couple together, hugging and playing in the autumn leaves.

Main shot 21 – close up shot of the males face with a tear running down his face.

Main shot 22 – medium shot of him ripping up the photograph and throwing it to the ground,

Main shot 23 – shot of him picking up a box of her clothing and throwing it at the wall

Main shot 24 – shot of him form the impact point in slow motion looking angry

(Fifth Verse)

Main shot 25 – Semi-long shot of the man coming out of his door carrying a box

Main shot 26 – low shot showing the mans legs as he walks past.

Main shot 27 – handheld tracking of the man leading to a pile of her clothing and other stuff.

Main shot 28 -  transition to now empty room

Main shot 29 – medium shot of him placing the box on top of the pile,

Main shot 30 – tracking shot of him pulling a zippo lighter out of his pocket and up to his chest and lighting it.

(Im letting go)

main shot 31 - long shot of him throwing it onto the pile, and pile lighting up in slow motion.


Main shot 32 – over the shoulder shot of him starring into the fire.

Main shot 33 – zoom in to a photograph in the fire

Main shot 34 – zoom in to a scrap book burning

Main shot 35 – zoom in on the teddy bears face in the flames.

(Im letting go)

Main shot 36 – slowmotion vertical pan of his face looking down going to his wrist, showing the bracelet.

Main shot 37 – high angled shot showing smoke against the trees.

Main shot 38 – medium shot showing him turn and walk from the fire. Fade to black.

(Final Verse)

Main shot 39 – shot of the male in a crowd, turning sharply.

Main shot 40 – medium long shot of the initial girlfriend holding hands with presumed to be her new boyfriend. Soft focus surrounding them.

Main shot 41 – reaction shot showing only his eyes, barely any movement.

Main shot 42 – medium shot showing the man starting to walk forwards.

Main shot 43 – over the shoulder shot of man walking towards the other couple.

Main shot 44 – two shot of the man walking in between the couple in slow motion.

Main shot 45 – close up of the mans face, still walking in slow motion, starting to smile, women in the background going into focus and turning round.

Main shot 46 – medium long shot showing new girlfriend stood alone.

Main shot 47 – two shot of the new couple arriving next to each other and hugging.

Main shot 48 – medium shot of the two people turning to walk away. The man then stops and women looks at him. He grabs his wrist.

Main shot 49 – high angled shot showing the couple holding hands walking away, panning downwards to show the bracelet form the first relationship on the floor. Showing he has let her go. Slow fade to black.